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!!!Now !! www.thaiticketmajor.com offer new service "ticket delivery" you can pick up your tickets at your place see more detail here For more information please contact call center 02 262 3456 ..... Today !! You can pay for tickets via Be1st Debit Visa from BBL Bank at TTM all distribute channels. ..... ..... Worry not! It is even easier now for you to pay for tickets you buy at ThaiTicketMajor.com. You can now choose to pay conveniently at over 17,000 outlets at Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn Bank branches and at all Counter Service (7-Eleven) outlets all over the country. Free !! Delivery fee exception for paying thru visa debit card both viaCall Center 02 262 3456 and TTM website only .....
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THAITICKETMAJOR : Your Ticket to Great Entertainment

THAITICKETMAJOR (TTM), is the first company in Thailand who provide an easy to use, portable, efficient and secure online ticketing and reservation website with convenient distribution outlets in Bangkok, along with strong offline and back office support. As we have been provided ticketing service for more than 500 shows in Thailand, we have many experienced staff in running business and it brings us 95% of market share in this business.

TTM provides both Online and Offline services for event holders with a wide variety of selections, depending on specific requirements and needs. We offer different packages from which customer’s can choose to fit their individual budget needs.

Distribute your ticket with ThaiTicketMaster, please call +66 (0) 2262 3943-7 or sales@thaiticketmajor.com

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